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New version chess engine: Princhess 0.15.1 NNUE

PrinchessUCI compatible chess engine written in Rust.
Thanks to the Authors: Princess Lana & Jacob Jackson  Rating CEDR=3116

๐Ÿ“ฆ NEW: Increased mate score

Rating CEDR progres Princhess:
Pl Engine Rating Score Games %
1035 Princhess 0.14.0 3116.4 5.50 40 13.75
1107 Princhess 0.14.1 3044.7 9.00 58 15.52
1211 Princhess 0.13.0 2896.3 102.50 448 22.88
1213 Princhess 0.10.0 2890.9 4.00 32 12.50
1233 Princhess 0.12.2 2862.8 54.50 221 24.66
1258 Princhess 0.12.0 2821.3 96.50 277 34.84
1368 Princhess 0.11.0 2663.8 37.50 159 23.58
1476 Princhess 0.9.0 2503.4 20.50 81 25.31
1612 Princhess 0.8.0 2304.4 36.00 231 15.58
1664 Princhess 0.7.0 2206.6 16.50 70 23.57
