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SF PB 101223 wins New Engines Test, 17.12.2023

 @chessenginesdiary City:Malbork

πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" πŸ’»HP Pavilion i5-1035G1 8GB RAM πŸ–¬ GUI-Banksia

Tech table:
Caissa 1.1510554177690829.15.953.9320.4
Cheese 3.2.016027275856723.25.842.4246.3
Clover 6.111628194243831.06.054.5326.1
Cool Iris 11.70532683169731.56.446.8299.8
Killfish 071223537186976437.36.247.6293.8
Raid 3.1462689759040.45.248.9252.1
Reckless 0.4.05826124935123.04.749.4230.4
Sawfish 2TC456483092837.75.558.2319.9
SF PB 101223541290822537.76.050.6301.7
SF-PRO 19.11.2023573985629936.96.744.2296.5
ShashChess 34.56642107561337.86.249.1303.2
Stash 35.015012244716425.36.151.2314.0
Stockfish 166880114599238.56.050.2301.5
Stockfish 20231210548089619539.16.149.4302.2
SugaR AI SE8300133015938.86.246.8292.1
TACTICAL 111223504387080838.95.849.3285.3
Tenax 0.9.48673144794624.86.055.5332.3
Uralochka 3.40a6394106888825.46.050.7303.2
Vafra 12.5 Cfish10644186318232.65.756.0319.9
YuliGM PrO 15531182671432.96.444.5285.7
