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Chess engine: Lambergar 0.4.0 (Windows and Linux)


Lambergar - UCI chess engine  Rating CEDR=2643
Lambergar is a chess engine developed in the Zig programming language. 

The name "Lambergar" is a nod to the Slovenian folk romance, Pegam and Lambergar, which recounts the epic struggle between Jan Vitovec and Krištof Lambergar (Lamberg). This narrative of fortitude and rivalry provided a fitting namesake for this chess engine.

Lambergar is licensed under the MIT License. Check out LICENSE.txt for the full text. Feel free to use this program, but please credit this repository in your project if you use it.

Currently there are two basic build: vintage and popcnt. Vintage version is for really old computers, popcnt is for modern computers.

Main features
New evaluation parameters
Tuner for evaluation parameters
Changed history heuristics and move sorting
Improved apiration window algorithm
Changes in prunings and reductions
I have been changing and massaging the code quite a bit, so I lost the track of all the changes, but the improvements are quite substantial
Time controls 30s+0.5s

Score of Lambergar vs Lamb031: 706 - 67 - 207  [0.826] 980
...      Lambergar playing White: 379 - 21 - 91  [0.865] 491
...      Lambergar playing Black: 327 - 46 - 116  [0.787] 489
...      White vs Black: 425 - 348 - 207  [0.539] 980
Elo difference: 270.6 +/- 22.9, LOS: 100.0 %, DrawRatio: 21.1 %
