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CorChess 20240103 wins Fritz new Strong Engines Test, by Chess Engines Diary 2024.01.20-22

 πŸ’Ύ 342 games from the tournament download πŸ‘

@chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork
πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" πŸ’»HP Pavilion i5-1035G1 8GB RAM πŸ–¬ GUI-Fritz 17
πŸ’Ύ All CEDR 265.714 games download (3'+3") 

Corchess 20240103 won with a minimum advantage.
Experimentally, we added the Stockfish 12 engine to the tournament. It was released 4 years ago and as you can see he got a great result.
Caissa 1.16 and Obsidian 10.0 engines play better and better. I wonder if we will see the victory of these engines over Stockfish?

Engine Score +/-/=
1: CorChess 20240103 21.5 / 36 (+7 -0 =29)
2: Hazard 4.21 DuaL 21.0 / 36 (+6 -0 =30)
3: Stockfish 15.1 21.0 / 36 (+6 -0 =30)
4: Stockfish 20240117 20.5 / 36 (+5 -0 =31)
5: SF-PRO 07.01.2024 20.5 / 36 (+5 -0 =31)
6: Leptir 100124 20.0 / 36 (+4 -0 =32)
7: Raid 3.2 20.0 / 36 (+4 -0 =32)
8: Polyfish 240114 20.0 / 36 (+4 -0 =32)
9: Blue Marlin 15.7 20.0 / 36 (+5 -1 =30)
10: Raubfisch X48d3 19.5 / 36 (+4 -1 =31)
11: Stockfish 12 19.5 / 36 (+4 -1 =31)
12: Caissa 1.16 18.5 / 36 (+3 -2 =31)
13: Obsidian 10.0 18.5 / 36 (+3 -2 =31)
14: Koivisto 9.2 17.0 / 36 (+3 -5 =28)
15: Arasan 24.1 16.0 / 36 (+3 -7 =26)
16: Uralochka 3.41.dev1 14.0 / 36 (+2 -10 =24)
17: Minic 3.41 12.5 / 36 (+1 -12 =23)
18: Starzix 4.0 12.0 / 36 (+1 -13 =22)
19: Pawn 3.0 10.0 / 36 (+0 -16 =20)
