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Killfish 071223 and Raid 3.1 wins Stockfish and Derivatives Test (by Chess Engines Diary, 2024.01.13)


 @chessenginesdiary City:Malbork

πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" πŸ’»HP ENVY i5-8250U 8GB RAM πŸ–¬ GUI-Banksia

Tech table:
AbbyStein v2.8414787591640.24.753.5253.2
Cool Iris 11.80466577664133.16.052.7316.8
CorChess 20240103496683424732.96.051.1304.0
Crystal 7 CMB413873742928.15.649.1275.4
Fisherov chess monk 1.26641111337036.46.052.9315.5
Hazard v4.1409379717936.75.153.9276.8
Incognito 5 PRO447170787732.16.347.0297.2
Killfish 071223478679113538.16.050.2303.9
Leptir 090124496481027633.96.148.7298.2
Patzer AI X-256407985631140.24.853.9256.7
Polyfish 240105490278821538.46.246.5289.1
Predator AI564287772950.96.448.2309.6
Raid 3.1376378803839.34.846.2220.7
SF CorChess 010124477280075131.66.050.4300.3
SF PB 070124517781224038.66.444.4283.1
SF-PRO 07.01.2024503381934139.46.150.7311.3
Stockfish 15.17428119863738.66.248.7302.1
Stockfish 20231231517785493937.56.149.8301.4
TACTICAL 171123441073209137.86.051.2308.2
XTD 010723575190681636.96.345.5288.3
YuliGM Pro 14334553642834.06.247.7297.7
Yuliirma 3.0413773875335.95.659.3332.2
