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Killfish 071223 wins Acer Arena Tournament for older computers (Chess Engines Diary by Tedi, 2024.01.04-08)


Since some readers asked for tests on older computers, today's tournament on a 11-year-old computer. It was cleaned and updated by our cooperator Tedi.

Very good result of the Killfish 071223 engine.

πŸ’Ύ 506 (!) games from the tournament download πŸ‘

πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" πŸ’»Acer Aspire E1-570, Intel Core i3-3217U 3,9 GB Memory πŸ–¬ GUI-Arena
Country - Poland, City - Malbork
πŸ’Ύ All CEDR 265.714 games download (3'+3") 

Engine CEDR Score Chg +/-/=
1: Killfish 071223 3725 37.5 / 44 +13 (+31 -0 =13)
2: Stockfish 202312313764 36.5 / 44 +0 (+30 -1 =13)
3: SF-PB 0101243768 36.0 / 44 -4 (+29 -1 =14)
4: Dark 1.0 3700 35.5 / 44 +0 (+28 -1 =15)
5: Incognito 5 PRO3728 35.5 / 44 +22 (+27 -0 =17)
6: SF CorChess 010124 3766 35.5 / 44 -9 (+28 -1 =15)
7: Seer 2.8 3593 32.5 / 44 -4 (+24 -3 =17)
8: Dragon Free 3605 31.0 / 44 -26 (+24 -6 =14)
9: Velvet 6.0.0 3471 28.0 / 44 -13 (+22 -10 =12)
10: Akimbo 0.8.0 3438 27.0 / 44 -18 (+21 -11 =12)
11: Peacekeeper 2.20 3342 25.0 / 44 -9 (+17 -11 =16)
12: Pawn 2.0 3397 25.0 / 44 -22 (+19 -13 =12)
13: Clarity 4.0.0 2589 23.0 / 44 +128 (+16 -14 =14)
14: ChessBrainVB 4.02 3085 17.5 / 44 -22 (+12 -21 =11)
15: Protej 20231226b 3206 17.0 / 44 -57 (+15 -25 =4)
16: 4ku 4.0 2951 15.5 / 44 -18 (+12 -25 =7)
17: Ice4 v4 2915 14.0 / 44 -22 (+11 -27 =6)
18: Anduril 2400 13.0 / 44 +57 (+10 -28 =6)
19: Dumb 2.0 2776 9.0 / 44 -53 (+8 -34 =2)
20: Eubos 3.00 2480 4.0 / 44 -44 (+3 -39 =2)
21: Shuffle 4.4.0 2400 3.0 / 44 -44 (+2 -40 =2)
22: Zagreus 4.1 2017 2.5 / 44 -22 (+2 -41 =1)
23: Maxwell 3.0.7 2400 2.5 / 44 -48 (+2 -41 =1)
