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New version chess engine: Texel 1.11 NNUE

Texel - UCI Chess engines
Rating CEDR=3445, Author - Peter Osterlund

(ELO: +63)
Neural network improvements:
Fewer non-incremental updates of the first layer state.
Implement quantization aware training.
Better GPU utilization by using separate data loading threads.
Efficiently handle training data that is too large to fit in RAM.
Train a new network based on new training data evaluated by Texel 1.10.
Optionally use AVX-512 instructions.

Re-calibrate UCI_Elo for NNUE.
Fix a null-move verification problem.
Update GoogleTest code to version 1.14 to fix warnings when using new CMake versions.
Add state to the Square class, i.e. make it contain the square number.

Rating CEDR progres - Texel
Pl Engine Rating Score Games %
828 Texel 1.10 3445.8 503.50 1036 48.60
837 Texel 1.0 3433.9 49.50 86 57.56
897 Texel 1.09 3356.1 361.00 893 40.43
963 Texel 1.08 3269.0 114.50 239 47.91
1006 Texel 1.08a13 3212.2 91.50 163 56.13

Texel 1.11 download
All files (games, tables and engines) - download from page
