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Raid 3.2 wins Acer Arena Tournament for older computers (Chess Engines Diary by Tedi, 2024.01.20-25)

πŸ’Ύ 650 (!) games from the tournament download πŸ‘

πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" πŸ’»Acer Aspire E1-570, Intel Core i3-3217U 3,9 GB Memory πŸ–¬ GUI-Arena
Country - Poland, City - Malbork
πŸ’Ύ All CEDR 265.714 games download (3'+3") 

Since some readers asked for tests on older computers, today's tournament on a 11-year-old computer. It was cleaned and updated by our cooperator Tedi.
A very useful tournament for people with older computers. As you can see, it can run many of the latest chess engines. The winner was the Raid 3.2 engine, which, with the same number of points, had a better supporting score thanks to its victory over the Hazard 4.21 Dual engine.

Engine CEDR Score Chg +/-/=
1: Raid 3.23737 39.5 / 50 +10 (+29 -0 =21)
2: SF-PB 0701243759 39.5 / 50 +5 (+29 -0 =21)
3: Stockfish 20240108 Ivec3742 39.0 / 50 +5 (+28 -0 =22)
4: Leptir 100124 3730 38.5 / 50 +5 (+27 -0 =23)
5: Hazard 4.21 Dual3736 38.5 / 50 +5 (+28 -1 =21)
6: Stockfish 202401173766 38.0 / 50 -10 (+26 -0 =24)
7: Polyfish 240114 3746 38.0 / 50 -5 (+26 -0 =24)
8: Corchess 20240103 3767 36.5 / 50 -30 (+24 -1 =25)
9: RubiChess 20240112 3643 36.0 / 50 +10 (+24 -2 =24)
10: Caissa 1.16 3663 34.5 / 50 -10 (+22 -3 =25)
11: Uralochka 3.41 dev1 3599 32.0 / 50 -10 (+22 -8 =20)
12: Arasan 24.1 3551 31.5 / 50 +5 (+21 -8 =21)
13: Texel 1.11 3445 29.5 / 50 +40 (+20 -11 =19)
14: Minic 3.41 3537 29.5 / 50 -5 (+22 -13 =15)
15: Pawn 3.0 3425 29.0 / 50 +50 (+20 -12 =18)
16: Avalanche 2.1.0 3349 23.5 / 50 +20 (+17 -20 =13)
17: Counter 5.5 3310 20.0 / 50 -5 (+16 -26 =8)
18: Cheng 4.43 3167 19.5 / 50 +20 (+16 -27 =7)
19: Lynx 1.2.0 2738 13.0 / 50 -15 (+12 -36 =2)
20: Fatalii 0.6.0 2388 10.0 / 50 +10 (+9 -39 =2)
21: Shuffle 5.0.0 2400 9.5 / 50 +0 (+8 -39 =3)
22: Simbelmyne 1.2.0 2400 9.5 / 50 +0 (+8 -39 =3)
23: Blocky 1.0.0 2400 9.0 / 50 -5 (+8 -40 =2)
24: Oxidation 0.5.0 1920 4.5 / 50 -10 (+4 -45 =1)
25: Catto 0.1.0 2400 1.5 / 50 -80 (+1 -48 =1)
26: Sheep 1.0 2400 0.5 / 50 -90 (+0 -49 =1)
