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RubiChess 20240112 wins New Amateur Engines Test, by Chess Engines Diary 20-25.01.2024


πŸ’Ύ 552 (!) games from the tournament download πŸ‘

@chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork
πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" πŸ’»Lenovo Z710 i7-4710MG 8GB RAM πŸ–¬ GUI-Arena
All CEDR 265.714 games download (3'+3") 

The latest versions of the RubiChess 20240112 and Uralochka 3.41 dev1 chess engines performed very well. Of the engines tested for the first time, the Starzix 4.0 engine was highest in the table. However, this is not a new engine, but a changed name of the Z5 engine.

01RubiChess 20240112364339.0/46 780,75 
02Uralochka 3.41 dev1259938.0/46 754,50 
03Caissa 1.16366337.5/46 740,25 
04Obsidian 10363237.0/46 722,00 
05Starzix 4.0 240035.0/46 653,25 
06Arasan 24.1355134.5/46 652,00 
07Texel 1.11344534.0/46 613,50 
08Pawn 3.0 342533.0/46 600,00 
09Renegade 1.0.0 300231.5/46 547,75 
10Minic 3.41 353731.5/46 540,25 
11Lizard 10.1 240030.5/46 515,50 
12Avalanche 2.1.0 334928.0/46 431,50 
13Counter 5.5 331027.5/46 415,00 
14Critter 1.6a 322522.5/46 290,00 
15Cheng 4.43 316719.5/46 188,25 
16Lynx 1.2.0 273815.0/46 117,00 
17Pingu 3.0.0 269714.5/46 97,50 
18Shuffle 5.0.0 240010.0/46 52,25 
19Simbelmyne 1.2.0 23939.0/46 44,25 
20Fatalii 0.6.0 23888.5/46 39,00 
21Dragonrose 0.21 24007.0/46 37,00 
22Sloth 1.6 23627.0/46 28,00 
23Catto 0.1.0 24001.0/46 1,00 
23Sheep 1.0 24001.0/46 1,00 
