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Sawfish 2TC wins New Engines Test by Chess Engines Diary, 2024.01.10


@chessenginesdiary City:Malbork

πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" πŸ’»HP Pavilion i5-1035G1 8GB RAM πŸ–¬ GUI-Banksia

Tech table:
Deep Blue 20230628t6300103185040.16.145.6278.7
Fire 9.29692172154022.25.655.4312.0
Hazard 4.1471986431536.95.538.8211.7
INCOGNITO 5 PRO455375229631.36.146.0278.4
Killfish 071223541587871739.66.244.1271.5
KnightX 3.96998107415318.46.531.8207.4
Kobra 0.1000.
Lizard 10.0488692409424.95.351.3271.4
Lynx 1.1.0245939201418.06.334.8218.1
Maxwell 3.0.8000.
Obsidian 9.08475149586928.85.755.0311.8
Polaris 1.6.115462276018920.35.641.2231.0
Polyfish 240105588494828740.36.242.3262.2
Protej 0.6.6577783815231.16.938.8267.7
rofChade 3.111520201109221.55.749.8285.1
Sawfish 2TC497284690835.45.942.4249.1
SF CorChess 010124556686908032.46.439.6253.9
SF-PRO 25.12.2023510995858337.05.345.4242.2
Stockfish 166909120385539.45.751.5295.4
Stockfish 20231231550890213037.66.142.2257.7
Stormphrax 4.0.06882117653626.85.851.5301.4
TACTICAL 161223487291025739.25.442.1225.4
Texel 1.1010024173533820.75.850.0288.9
YuliGM PrO 15522283617233.56.243.4271.1
