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SF-PRO 07.01.2024 wins New Engines Test by Chess Engines Diary, 2024.01.13

 @chessenginesdiary City:Malbork

πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" πŸ’»HP Pavilion i5-1035G1 8GB RAM πŸ–¬ GUI-Banksia

Engine Score +/-/=
1: SF-PRO 07.01.2024 36.5 / 46 (+27 -0 =19)
2: SF PB 070124 36.0 / 46 (+26 -0 =20)
3: Crystal 7 CMB 35.0 / 46 (+24 -0 =22)
4: CorChess 20240103 35.0 / 46 (+24 -0 =22)
5: Leptir 090124 35.0 / 46 (+24 -0 =22)
6: Hazard 4.1 34.5 / 46 (+23 -0 =23)
7: AbbyStein v2.8 34.5 / 46 (+23 -0 =23)
8: Cool Iris 11.80 34.0 / 46 (+22 -0 =24)
9: Berserk 12.1 32.5 / 46 (+21 -2 =23)
10: Clover 6.1 31.0 / 46 (+19 -3 =24)
11: Caissa 1.15 30.5 / 46 (+19 -4 =23)
12: Clarity 4.1.0 24.0 / 46 (+16 -14 =16)
13: Starzix 3.0 22.5 / 46 (+16 -17 =13)
14: Lizard 10.0 21.5 / 46 (+13 -16 =17)
15: Little Goliath Evolution 3.17 19.0 / 46 (+10 -18 =18)
16: DanaSah 9.1 17.0 / 46 (+12 -24 =10)
17: Cheng 4.42 17.0 / 46 (+13 -25 =8)
18: Critter 1.6a 14.5 / 46 (+10 -27 =9)
19: ice4 v4 13.0 / 46 (+8 -28 =10)
20: Bagatur 3.7e 10.5 / 46 (+7 -32 =7)
21: KnightX 3.9 8.0 / 46 (+6 -36 =4)
22: Blocky 1.0 7.5 / 46 (+6 -37 =3)
23: Tcheran 1.1 3.0 / 46 (+3 -43 =0)
24: Oxidation 0.5.0 0.0 / 46 (+0 -46 =0)
