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Starzix 3.0 wins New Amateur Engines Test by Chess Engines Diary, 2024.01.07-12


@chessenginesdiary City:Malbork

πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" πŸ’»HP Pavilion i5-1035G1 8GB RAM πŸ–¬ GUI-Banksia
πŸ’Ύ 650 (!) games from the tournament download

Great debut of the chess engine: Starmix 3.0. 46 points from 50 games is a good result, we will see how the engine will play with the best.
You can read more about this engine here: Chess engine Starzix 3.0 NNUE

Engine CEDR Score Chg +/-/=
1: Starzix 3.0 2400 46.0 / 50 +345 (+43 -1 =6)
2: Clarity 4.1.0 2589 45.0 / 50 +265 (+40 -0 =10)
3: Lizard 10.0 2400 45.0 / 50 +335 (+40 -0 =10)
4: LTChess 9.3 3444 43.5 / 50 -10 (+38 -1 =11)
5: ChessBrainVB 4.02 3085 37.0 / 50 -10 (+32 -8 =10)
6: Spike 1.4 3061 32.5 / 50 -50 (+28 -13 =9)
7: Protej 0.6.6 3206 32.0 / 50 -90 (+26 -12 =12)
8: 4ku 4.0 2951 32.0 / 50 -20 (+27 -13 =10)
9: Pedantic 0.6.0 3030 32.0 / 50 -45 (+28 -14 =8)
10: Bagatur 3.7e 3194 31.5 / 50 -95 (+24 -11 =15)
11: Cheng4 4.42 3069 31.0 / 50 -65 (+26 -14 =10)
12: Ice4 v4 2915 30.5 / 50 -25 (+26 -15 =9)
13: Princhess 0.15.1 3116 30.0 / 50 -90 (+25 -15 =10)
14: Zangdar 2.24 2951 29.5 / 50 -45 (+24 -15 =11)
15: Reckless 0.4.0 2812 29.5 / 50  +5 (+26 -17 =7)
16: Jet 1.1 2400 24.5 / 50 +130 (+21 -22 =7)
17: Dumb 2.0 2776 20.5 / 50 -75 (+19 -28 =3)
18: Knightx 3.9 2790 19.5 / 50 -90 (+17 -28 =5)
19: Austerlitz 1.4.7 2400 14.5 / 50 +30 (+14 -35 =1)
20: Blocky 1.0.0 2400 12.0 / 50 +5 (+11 -37 =2)
21: Sloth 1.5 2400 7.5 / 50 -40 (+7 -42 =1)
22: Maxwell 3.0.8 2400 7.5 / 50 -40 (+7 -42 =1)
23: Oxidation 0.5.0 2400 7.0 / 50 -45 (+5 -41 =4)
24: Tcheran 1.1 2400 6.5 / 50 -50 (+6 -43 =1)
25: Oxidation 0.4.1 2400 3.5 / 50 -80 (+3 -46 =1)
26: Kobra 0.1 2400 0.0 / 50 -115 (+0 -50 =0)
