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Uralochka 3.41.dev1 wins Fritz Amateur Engines Tournament, by Chess Engines Diary 2024.01.15-17


@chessenginesdiary City:Malbork

πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" πŸ’»Lenovo Z710 i7-4710MG 8GB RAM πŸ–¬ GUI-Fritz 15

For us (Chess Engines Diary Team), amateur chess engines are those that do not come directly from Stockfish code. For now, they are playing much weaker, but, as in this picture, the pawn slowly climbs the stairs to finally turn into a queen.
This time the Uralochka engine performed best, overtaking such famous chess engines as Arasan and Caissa.

Engine Score +/-/=
1: Uralochka 3.41.dev1 28.0 / 34 (+24 -0 =8)
2: Arasan 24.1 27.0 / 34 (+22 -0 =10)
3: Caissa 1.16 27.0 / 34 (+22 -0 =10)
4: Minic 3.40 25.5 / 34 (+21 -2 =9)
5: Pawn 3.0 24.5 / 34 (+20 -3 =9)
6: Texel 1.11 24.0 / 34 (+21 -5 =6)
7: Counter 5.5 21.0 / 34 (+18 -8 =6)
8: Avalanche 2.1.0 19.5 / 34 (+15 -8 =9)
9: Critter 1.6a 15.5 / 34 (+13 -14 =5)
10: Protej 0.6.6 15.5 / 34 (+14 -15 =3)
11: Cheng 4.43 10.0 / 34 (+7 -19 =6)
12: Pingu 3.0.0 9.5 / 34 (+9 -22 =1)
13: Lynx 1.2.0 8.5 / 34 (+7 -22 =3)
14: Fatalii 0.6.0 7.0 / 34 (+6 -24 =2)
15: Shuffle 5.0.0 4.5 / 34 (+4 -27 =1)
16: Dragonrose 0.21 3.0 / 34 (+2 -28 =2)
17: Sheep 1.0 2.0 / 34 (+2 -30 =0)
18: Lizard 10.1 *crash 0.0 / 34 (+0 -0 =0)
