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Chess engine: Alexandria 6.0.0 NNUE

Chess engine: Alexandria 
Author: PGG106  Rating CEDR=3599

Elo   | 20.81 +- 4.09 (95%)
Conf  | 60.0+0.60s Threads=1 Hash=64MB
Games | N: 3076 W: 267 L: 83 D: 2726
Penta | [0, 57, 1244, 233, 4]
Progression test was run on the 8moves-noob.epd book.

Obligatory thanks to Swe and to all Alex contributors (not Viren), luv u guys.

Alexandria 5.1.1 - results:
Chess-System-Tal-213.5/28-128 Games
Uralochka 3.40a15/26+426 Games
Clover 6.113.5/26+126 Games
RofChade 3.113/26+026 Games
Stormphrax 4.0.014/24+424 Games
Viridithas 11.0.013/24+224 Games
Igel Games
RubiChess 202309189.5/24-524 Games
Fritz 1914/22+622 Games
Ethereal 14.259/22-422 Games
Berserk 12.18/22-622 Games
Caissa 1.158/20-420 Games
Arasan 24.010.5/18+318 Games
Obsidian 8.09.5/18+118 Games
Seer Games
Revenge 3.09.5/18+118 Games
Koivisto 9.29/18+018 Games
Obsidian 9.08/18-218 Games
Altair Games
Minic 3.3910.5/16+516 Games
Booot 7.29.5/16+316 Games

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