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New version chess engine: Velvet 7.0.0 NNUE

Velvet - UCI Chess Engine
Author: Martin Hornet, 
Rating CEDR (Chess Engines Diary Rating)=3513

It is based upon my previous web-based engine Wasabi, which can be played here.
x86_64-modern - recommended for recent CPUs from 2013 onwards (requires a CPU with support for the BMI1 instruction sets)
x86_64-popcnt - for older 64-Bit CPUs, which support the POPCNT instruction, but not BMI1
x86_64-vintage - for older 64-Bit CPUs, which support neither POPCNT nor BMI1

This release improves the strength and performance in later game stages, while maintaining the early game strength

Estimated strength increase: ~ 65 Elo

New Features
Support for UCI "Move Overhead" option
Increase default move overhead from 16 to 20 milliseconds
Performance optimizations
Cache evaluation scores in transposition table / Up to 50% higher performance in positions with fewer pieces
Rescaled evaluation scores in training data
Store scores internally with additional bit: eval range now from -9999 to 9999 (was -7650 to 7650 before)
Perform check evasions in quiescence search
Collect PV (for UCI output) also during quiescence search
Several search improvements
Fixed bugs
Eval scores reaching into mate score range
Time management issue causing search to be stopped too early
Elo change: v7.0.0 compared to v6.0.0 against the same set of opponents
Move range: grouped by games won in less than x moves (each game only belongs to one group, so a game that ended in 57 moves would belong to the group "60", but not "80", "100", etc.)
Velvet 6.0.0 - results:
Stormphrax 4.0.010/18+218 Games
Alexandria 5.1.06/14-214 Games
Obsidian 9.06/14-214 Games
Caissa 1.153/12-612 Games
Clover 6.13/10-410 Games
Texel 1.106/8+48 Games
Minic 3.394.5/8+18 Games
Fritz 194/8+08 Games
Revenge 3.04/8+08 Games
Carp 3.0.14/8+08 Games
Booot 7.24/8+08 Games
Arasan 24.03.5/8-18 Games
RofChade 3.13.5/8-18 Games
Chess-System-Tal-23.5/8-18 Games
Uralochka 3.40a3.5/8-18 Games
Igel 3.5.03/8-28 Games
Seer 2.7.03/8-28 Games
Viridithas Games
RubiChess 202309181.5/8-58 Games
Koivisto 9.21.5/8-58 Games
Ethereal 14.251/8-68 Games

Velvet 6.0.0 - tournaments results:
2023.12.26.SwissBanksiaTournament 3/4+2
2023.12.27.SwissAquariumTournament 5/9+1
2023.12.21New.AmateurEnginesTest 38/46+30Ranking 4
2024.01.11.1LeagueCEDR.ed.02.2024 31/60+2
2023.12.04.AcerArenaTournament 28/44+12
