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Obsidian 12.0 wins Banksia new engines Tournament, 12.04.2024


πŸ’Ύ 552 (!) games from the tournament download πŸ‘ @chessenginesdiary 

Country - Poland, City - Malbork
πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" πŸ’»HP Pavilion i5-1035G1 8GB RAM πŸ–¬ GUI-Banksia
All CEDR 317.321 games download (01.04.2024 - 3'+3") 

The Obsidian 12.0 chess engine achieved a very good result in the tournament. Once again, the good result of the Alexandria 6.1.0 engine draws attention. I wonder how much progress the next version of this engine will have.
Third place Caissa 1.18 engine.

Tech table:
Akimbo 1.0.0318065358622.74.963.3308.2
Alexander 1.15774105336429.45.556.1307.3
Alexandria 6.1.0334262336327.95.458.0310.9
Arasan 24.2340245554125.67.534.2255.419
Bagatur 3.7e4646957117.66.733.5223.46
Cadabra 2.0.1 (GS)306856601712.45.437.6203.62
Caissa 1.185466106562827.05.160.0308.0
Clarity 6.0.0306258484628.55.259.2309.8
Critter 1.6a10552175113318.06.050.0301.4
Delocto 0.76269106863318.45.954.2318.04
Midnight 9241444390426.85.458.8319.9
Obsidian 12.06535109848326.15.951.4305.9
Pawn 3.0477989435821.85.359.8319.4
Peacekeeper 2.405830105751722.55.562.7345.4
Rice 8.0.0208642289622.94.953.4263.6
Seer 2.7.0420776667226.25.558.8322.5
Simbelmyne 1.5.1231342123514.25.545.7250.8
Tcheran 2.26764110381710.66.142.9262.7
Vafra 14.12.1499890958327.75.554.0296.8
Velvet 7.3.0549499391723.25.559.6329.6
Victoire 1.3.0320156781511.55.630.9174.24
Yakka 1.00194.35.351.7272.0
Zagreus 5.0219834085010.66.442.9276.5
