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Obsidian 12.0 wins New Amateur Engines Test, by Chess Engines Diary 13-16.04.2024

Obsidian 12.0 won the tournament with a large advantage, this engine is clearly superior to the so-called middle class. The new version of the Arasan 24.2 engine performed poorly. Perhaps the introduced amendment (version 24.2.1) will eliminate the errors.
Alexander 1.1 and Saturn 1.3 new engines in our tests started from the initial ranking of 2400 - hence the large increases in the CEDR ranking.


๐Ÿ’พ 420 games from the tournament download ๐Ÿ‘ @chessenginesdiary 
Country - Poland, City - Malbork
๐Ÿ•“ Time 3'+3" ๐Ÿ’ปLenovo Z710 i7-4710MG 8GB RAM ๐Ÿ–ฌ GUI-Arena
All CEDR 317.321 games download (01.04.2024 - 3'+3") 

Engine CEDR Score Rn.Chg +/-/=
1: Obsidian 12.0 3654 50.5 / 56 +39 (+45 -0 =11)
2: Velvet 7.3.0 3575 44.5 / 56 -6 (+35 -2 =19)
3: Alexander 1.1 2400 42.5 / 56 +258 (+33 -4 =19)
4: Arasan 24.2 3585 41.5 / 56 -39 (+31 -4 =21)
5: Clarity 6.0.0 3462 40.0 / 56 -22 (+32 -8 =16)
6: Akimbo 1.0.0 3504 39.5 / 56 -34 (+31 -8 =17)
7: Peacekeeper 2.40 3473 39.5 / 56 -28 (+30 -7 =19)
8: Saturn 1.3 2400 37.5 / 56 +207 (+28 -9 =19)
9: Delocto 0.7 2845 23.0 / 56 -90 (+21 -31 =4)
10: Yakka 1.0 2400 19.0 / 56 +22 (+18 -36 =2)
11: Fatalii 0.6.1 2444 14.0 / 56 -45 (+13 -41 =2)
12: Tcheran 2.2 2361 12.5 / 56 -28 (+11 -42 =3)
13: Zagreus 5.0 2307 9.5 / 56  -39 (+7 -44 =5)
14: Cadabra 2.0.1 2100 5.5 / 56 -17 (+4 -49 =3)
15: Victoire 1.3.0 2400 1.0 / 56 -157 (+0 -54 =2)
