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Obsidian 12.0 wins New Amateur Engines Test, by Chess Engines Diary 18-21.04.2024

Obsidian 12.0 won the amateur chess engine tournament. The Rebel 16.3 and Alexandria 6.1.0 engines had only half a point less.

Clover 6.1.19 also achieved a good result. These four engines did not lose a single game.

 πŸ’Ύ 306 games from the tournament download πŸ‘ @chessenginesdiary 

Country - Poland, City - Malbork
πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" πŸ’»
Lenovo Z710 i7-4710MG 8GB RAM πŸ–¬ GUI-Arena
All CEDR 317.321 games download (01.04.2024 - 3'+3") 

Engine CEDR Score Chg +/-/=
1: Obsidian 12.0 3654 29.0 / 34 +10 (+24 -0 =10)
2: Rebel 16.3 3639 28.5 / 34 +10 (+23 -0 =11)
3: Alexandria 6.1.0 3620 28.5 / 34 +10 (+23 -0 =11)
4: Clover 6.1.19 3614 27.0 / 34 -3 (+20 -0 =14)
5: Arasan 24.2.1 3585 24.5 / 34  -24 (+18 -3 =13)
6: Rice 8.0.0 3443 24.0 / 34 -3 (+17 -3 =14)
7: Peacekeeper 2.40 3473 23.5 / 34 -14 (+17 -4 =13)
8: Saturn 1.3 2400 22.5 / 34 +136 (+18 -7 =9)
9: Midnight 9 3321 21.0 / 34 -7 (+16 -8 =10)
10: Jet 1.2 3070 19.0 / 34 +7 (+11 -7 =16)
11: Lambergar 0.5.2 2758 14.0 / 34 -20 (+13 -19 =2)
12: Yakka 1.0 2400 12.0 / 34 +31 (+12 -22 =0)
13: Tcheran 2.2 2361 9.0 / 34 +7 (+7 -23 =4)
14: Fatalii 0.6.1 2444 7.5 / 34 -24 (+6 -25 =3)
15: Ciorap-Bot 0.3 1942 6.0 / 34 +24 (+2 -24 =8)
16: Zagreus 5.0 2307 5.5 / 34 -20 (+4 -27 =3)
17: Sloth 1.7 2370 3.5 / 34 -51 (+2 -29 =3)
18: Victoire 1.3.0 2400 1.0 / 34 -78 (+0 -32 =2)
