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Stockfish 16.1 wins Strong Engines Tournament 20-23.04.2024

The tournament of strong chess engines is won by the official version of Stockfish 16.1. In places 2 and 3, Crystal 8 and Yuli GM Pro 16, who scored only half a point less. We would like to draw your attention to the black victory of the Berserk 13 engine in the game against Yuli GM Pro 16.

πŸ’Ύ 600 (!) games from the tournament download πŸ‘ @chessenginesdiary 

Country - Poland, City - Malbork
πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" πŸ’»HP Pavilion i5-1035G1 8GB RAM πŸ–¬ GUI-Banksia
All CEDR 317.321 games download (01.04.2024 - 3'+3") 

Tech Table:
AbbyStein v2.8202338122733.65.365.6348.21
Alexander 1.2511994764427.75.467.0362.0
Alexandria 6.1.0304358939130.35.269.8360.4
Arasan 24.2.1334051301826.56.552.2339.9
Berserk 13434279847430.25.466.6362.1
Brainlearn 28209136829829.65.755.8317.0
Caissa 1.18483491287029.15.369.5368.0
Clover 6.1.19416779050326.65.372.6382.9
Crystal 8333358493919.35.759.1336.9
Deep Blue 20230628238043492832.75.562.6342.7
Obsidian 12.0502689295726.15.664.3361.6
Polyfish 240105000.
Raid 3.6 TR173531882033.25.460.6329.9
Rice 8.0.0170835683422.64.862.4298.8
RubiChess 20240112396473900726.45.471.0380.8
Seer 2.8.0323655538025.25.858.6341.4
SF-PRO 13.04.2024180033006230.85.566.5362.7
Stockfish 16.1204036334428.55.655.5311.6
Stockfish 20240330 Ivec203435953828.95.758.8332.4
Stockfish 20240411197733944731.95.855.6323.8
Tenax 0.9.5
Texel 1.10000.
Uralochka 3.41 dev4309757544725.75.465.4352.04
Yuli GM Pro 16217739840229.45.558.6320.3
