Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR=3523
Avx2 is the recommended (most common CPU architecture)
Avx512 is the fastest
Elo vs Starzix 4.0 (unbalanced openings)
STC 10s+0.1s:
Score of Starzix 5.0 vs Starzix 4.0: 1372 - 319 - 1309 [0.675] 3000
Elo difference: 127.4 +/- 9.4, LOS: 100.0 %, DrawRatio: 43.6 %
LTC 60s+0.6s:
Score of Starzix 5.0 vs Starzix 4.0: 2209 - 479 - 2312 [0.673] 5000
Elo difference: 125.4 +/- 7.1, LOS: 100.0 %, DrawRatio: 46.2 %
New (768->1024)x2->1 net trained with my trainer
Search improvements
Multithreaded search / Lazy SMP
Lots of refactoring
Starzix is a chess engine that appeared recently and immediately showed good game power. If this version is 65 ranking points better than the previous one, that will be a really big improvement. We will conduct the first tests of this engine soon.
Starzix 5.0 downloadStarzix 5.0 download
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