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CorChess 20240502 wins New Strong Engines Test, by Chess Engines Diary 2024.05.21-23

Only the best chess engines played in this tournament. The winner was CorChess 20240502. 5 other engines scored the same number of points sharing the second place: Stockfish 20240521, Raid 3.6 TR, Stockfish 20240501 Ivec, Deep Blue-20240518-assassin, Stockfish 16.1.

πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" πŸ’»HP Pavilion i5-1035G1 8GB RAM πŸ–¬ GUI-Banksia
All CEDR 333.448 games download (01.05.2024 - 3'+3") 
πŸ’Ύ 552 (!) games from the tournament download πŸ‘ @chessenginesdiary 
Country - Poland, City - Malbork

Tech table:
AbbyStein v2.8165135937334.54.662.5286.9
Arasan 24.2.2304845494226.16.746.8313.9
Berserk 13392072354632.95.466.5360.1
CorChess 20240502199134592126.35.855.5319.6
Critter 1.6a9743144114917.46.849.0331.3
Deep Blue-20240518-assassin161828850529.45.657.5322.4
Dragon 1 free394073479525.35.465.5351.0
Fisherov chess monk 1.2330458732132.25.660.8341.9
HypnoS 160524180931219830.35.857.4332.7
JigSaw 5.5i174330253928.25.857.0328.4
Obsidian 12.0454979727327.15.761.3349.9
Raid 3.6 TR154530566837.05.160.4305.3
SF PB 190524180431755830.75.757.9328.8
SF-PRO 13.05.2024186831733128.85.955.9328.9
Stockfish 16.1199136612030.45.461.9336.8
Stockfish 20240501 Ivec185733039030.35.658.1326.5
Stockfish 20240518183232584131.75.657.0320.3
Stockfish 20240521176631322330.25.657.5324.2
Sun 14181931552426.85.855.7321.0
Sun 14 MPV185230845825.16.053.3320.0
Uralochka 3.41a JA271648826323.35.662.6348.2
Yuli GM Pro 16188332482729.05.850.8294.6
Yuliirma 4.0191833621630.35.753.1303.0
