The first public release of Integral
Author - Aron Petkovski
Estimated Elo Rating
Using Stash v22 (2770 CCRL Blitz) as a baseline for comparison, Integral is estimated to be around 2830 CCRL Blitz
Score of ./integral.exe vs ./stash-22.0-windows-x86_64-modern.exe: 317 - 166 - 179 [0.614] 662
... ./integral.exe playing White: 168 - 87 - 75 [0.623] 330
... ./integral.exe playing Black: 149 - 79 - 104 [0.605] 332
... ./integral.exe playing White: 168 - 87 - 75 [0.623] 330
... ./integral.exe playing Black: 149 - 79 - 104 [0.605] 332
... White vs Black: 247 - 236 - 179 [0.508] 662
Elo difference: 80.7 +/- 23.0, LOS: 100.0 %, DrawRatio: 27.0 %
SPRT: llr 2.95 (100.2%), lbound -2.94, ubound 2.94 - H1 was accepted
Also thank you to the people in the Stockfish Discord who were extremely helpful and kind!
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