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SugaR AI SE wins New Strong Engines Test, by Chess Engines Diary, 2024.05.25-29

The tournament of strong chess engines was won by SugaR AI SE. This is a very good compilation though. In places 2 to 4: Stockfish 20240523 Ivec, Sun 15 and Deep Blue-20240518-assassin.

All CEDR 333.448 games download (01.05.2024 - 3'+3") 

πŸ‘ @chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork  πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" 
πŸ’»HP Pavilion i5-1035G1 8GB RAM πŸ–¬ GUI-Banksia

Tech table:
Caissa 1.18492090667527.55.464.4349.7
Clover 6.1.24 JA443582098227.65.470.4380.3
Cool Iris 12.10213835690726.76.054.2324.7
CorChess 20240523188533071828.55.755.7317.3
Crystal 8340858534720.75.855.3321.7
Deep Blue-20240518171730879031.15.659.6331.4
Dragon 1 by Komodo368869317824.05.368.2362.7
Fisherov chess monk 1.2329062011634.05.367.9360.2
HypnoS 160524187132845630.35.758.8335.1
Igel 3.5.5 JA182235758324.05.163.7324.5
JigSaw 5.5i178530978528.15.855.9322.3
Obsidian 12.0439482275727.25.371.7383.0
SF PB 190524176831869530.55.560.4335.1
SF-PRO 13.05.2024179531981829.95.661.7346.1
ShashChess 35.3196134121427.45.755.1316.8
Starzix 5.0420274407224.35.660.8343.41
Stockfish 20240518182833522231.55.561.9337.8
Stockfish 20240523188033503932.45.655.8313.0
Stockfish 20240523 Ivec194634293132.45.757.3325.3
SugaR AI SE340459236232.45.756.1322.5
Sun 15174631028028.05.660.4339.8
Sun 15 MPV179330565125.55.955.4325.1
Toga IV 1.1 JA278050446716.95.554.6300.7
Uralochka 3.41a JA287551868723.45.561.7342.21
