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Uralochka 3.41a JA wins Arena - new amateur Engines Test, by Chess Engines Diary 25-28.05.2024

It was a very tight tournament. The Uralochka 3.41a JA chess engine won by a small margin, but three engines were right behind it, only half a point behind: Clover JA, Alexandria 6.1.0 and Igel 3.5.5 JA. In 5th place was the Starzix 5.0 engine, which scored only one point less than the winner.

 All CEDR 333.448 games download (01.05.2024 - 3'+3") 

๐Ÿ’พ 506 (!) games from the tournament download
๐Ÿ‘ @chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork  ๐Ÿ•“ Time 3'+3" 
๐Ÿ’ปLenovo Z710 i7-4710MG 8GB RAM ๐Ÿ–ฌ GUI-Arena

01Uralochka 3.41a JA 361638.0/4486.3 722,50 
02Clover JA 364537.5/4485.2 715,00 
03Alexandria 6.1.0 362037.5/4485.2 709,25 
04Igel 3.5.5 JA 360637.5/4485.2 704,50 
05Starzix 5.0 352337.0/4484.0 686,75 
06Altair 7.0.3 JA 353634.0/4477.2 596,75 
07Motor 0.5.0 240033.0/4475.0 612,25 
08Peacekeeper 3.00 351832.0/4472.7 549,00 
09Toga IV 1.1 JA 329328.0/4463.6 418,75 
10Drofa 4.1.1 JA 328524.5/4455.6 326,00 
11Critter 1.6a 323023.0/4452.2 284,25 
12Rodent NN JA 297823.0/4452.2 278,75 
13Pirarucu 3.3.5 JA 278020.5/4446.5 238,75 
14Weiawaga 5.0 JA 240020.5/4446.5 236,25 
15Kobra 1.2 287019.5/4444.3 223,50 
16Twisted Logic 20100815 JA276014.0/4431.8 105,00 
17MadChess 3.2.2 281012.0/4427.2 80,75 
18Knightx 3.9 284610.5/4423.8 61,75 
19Floyd 0.9 JA 24008.5/4419.3 39,50 
20OpenTal 1.1 JA 29138.0/4418.1 40,25 
21Throttle 3.0 24005.0/4411.3 38,00 
22Chessrikus 1.466 JA 24002.0/444.5 1,00 
23Alouette 0.1.7 24740.5/441.1 16,00 
