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Beast 15 MPV and SF-PRO 06.06.2024 wins New Chess Engines Test, by Chess Engines Diary, 2024.06.13

New versions of the Beast 15 MPV and SF-PRO 06.06.2024 chess engines are the best in this tournament. The official version of the Stockfish 15.1 engine also achieved a very good result, still a very successful compilation for us.

 All CEDR 356.831 games download (01.06.2024, 3'+3") 

πŸ’Ύ 240 games from the tournament download
πŸ‘ @chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork  πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" 
πŸ’»Asus Zenbook, AMD Ryzen 9 6900HX, RAM 32,0 GB πŸ–¬ GUI-Banksia

Tech table:
Beast 15 MPV12243232158949.65.363.1332.8
Camel 1.6.0199635573112.85.650.0280.41
Clarity 7.0.010817212713935.75.175.3383.1
Clover 6.227536572989143.74.882.6397.0
CorChess 2024060613774241062045.75.756.7324.0
Lc0 v0.31.0-rc31462748210.15.370.7374.8
Little Beast 1512027228282947.55.368.0358.31
Marauders 3.612687227337754.05.658.2325.0
Rustic-Knight 1.0.07377134730336.95.552.9289.81
SF-PRO 06.06.202415044273659152.85.562.3342.7
Simbelmyne 1.8.07035151372131.34.668.0315.9
Simplex 0.9.8 JA000.
Spaghet Pesto 1.013123214492322.96.153.2325.7
Steel Fighter 214027271173149.15.268.0351.6
Stockfish 15.120477378216950.35.464.1347.2
Stockfish dev-2024060814547288634857.95.077.9392.5
