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BrainLearn 28.1 and CorChess 240523 wins Android Chess Engines Tournament, by Chess Engines Diary 2024.06.22 - 25

The latest, quite large tournament of chess engines for Android. The first two places were taken by BrainLearn 28.1 and CorChess 240523 engines.

The Caissa 1.18 engine achieved a great result, taking 3rd and 4th place together with the Stockfish dev-20240530 engine.

๐Ÿ•“ Time 3' ๐Ÿ’ปTablet - Smasung Galaxy TAB S6 Lite, 4GB RAM

๐Ÿ’พ  306 games from the tournament download 
 ๐Ÿ–ฌ GUI-Chess Tournament for Android, Country - Poland, City - Malbork
๐Ÿ’พ All CEDR games 21.612 games download (3') 

P Engine CEDR Score Chg +/-/=
1: BrainLearn 28.1 3488 29.5 / 34 +7 (+25 -0 =9)
2: CorChess 240523 3514 29.5 / 34 +7 (+25 -0 =9)
3: Stockfish dev-20240530 3513 26.5 / 34 -24 (+23 -4 =7)
4: Caissa 1.18 3288 26.5 / 34 +3 (+21 -2 =11)
5: Clover JA 3303 25.0 / 34 -14 (+20 -4 =10)
6: Igel 3.5.5 JA 3138 23.0 / 34 +0 (+19 -7 =8)
7: Akimbo 0.8.0 2709 22.5 / 34 +109 (+17 -6 =11)
8: Alexandria 6.0.0 3015 21.5 / 34 +14 (+17 -8 =9)
9: Cheng 4.48 2717 20.0 / 34 +82 (+16 -10 =8)
10: Stash 35.26 JA 2989 18.0 / 34 -10 (+14 -12 =8)
11: Arasan 24.2.2 2938 13.5 / 34 -41 (+11 -18 =5)
12: Svart 6 JA 2823 11.5 / 34 -31 (+10 -21 =3)
13: Mantissa 3.7.2 2770 10.5 / 34 -27 (+8 -21 =5)
14: Sting Black Hole 7 JA 2812 10.0 / 34 -44 (+9 -23 =2)
15: Simplex 0.98 JA 2400 6.0 / 34 +7 (+6 -28 =0)
16: Smaug 2.2.1 JA 2400 6.0 / 34 +7 (+6 -28 =0)
17: Dragonrose 0.25 2400 3.5 / 34 -20 (+3 -30 =1)
18: Floyd 0.9 JA 2400 3.0 / 34 -24 (+2 -30 =2)
