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Chess engine: Vault 0.41 JA (Windows, Linux and Android)

Vault is a UCI-compliant chess engine derivating from Stash, using a neural network for evaluating positions. Preferably used with a GUI like Arena, CuteChess, Fritz, etc.
Note that the current project version is not "stable", as I'm still working on a better Makefile configuration for faster builds.

## Files
The repository consists of the following files:
  *, the file you are currently reading.
  * LICENSE, a text file containing the GNU General Public License version 3.
  * src, the directory containing all the source code + a Makefile that can be     used to compile Vault on Unix-like systems (or Windows if you installed MinGW). Note that Git LFS is needed for downloading the network from CLI.
  * utils/, a script that facilitates compilation and network updates.
    This is the easiest way to get fast PGO builds for now.

Assumes a time delay of x milliseconds due to network and GUI overheads.     Increase it if the engine often loses games on time. The default value of 100 ms should be sufficient for all chess GUIs.

Jim Ablett compile


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