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Fritz New Engines Test, by Chess Engines Diary 2024.06.25-28

The tournament took place in GUI-Fritz 17. Three engines, Stockfish dev-20240623-267860, Stockfish dev-20240623-d5c130, and Killfish 150624, scored an equal number of points and shared the top three positions.

All CEDR 356.831 games download (01.06.2024, 3'+3") 

πŸ’Ύ 272 games from the tournament download
πŸ‘ @chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork  πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" 
πŸ’»Asus Zenbook, AMD Ryzen 9 6900HX, RAM 32,0 GB πŸ–¬ GUI-Fritz 17

P Engine Score +/-/=
1: Stockfish dev-20240623-267860 22.0 / 32 (+12 -0 =20)
2: Stockfish dev-20240623-d5c130 22.0 / 32 (+12 -0 =20)
3: Killfish 150624 22.0 / 32 (+12 -0 =20)
4: HypnoS 220624 21.5 / 32 (+11 -0 =21)
5: CorChess 20240606 21.0 / 32 (+10 -0 =22)
6: JigSaw 5.8 21.0 / 32 (+10 -0 =22)
7: Steel Fighter 2 21.0 / 32 (+10 -0 =22)
8: Lc0 0.31.0 20.5 / 32 (+9 -0 =23)
9: Beast 15 MPV 19.5 / 32 (+7 -0 =25)
10: PlentyChess 2.0.0 19.5 / 32 (+10 -3 =19)
11: Clarity 7.1.0 18.0 / 32 (+8 -4 =20)
12: Clover 6.2 18.0 / 32 (+9 -5 =18)
13: Zangdar 2.29.01 9.0 / 32 (+7 -21 =4)
14: Pedantic 1.1.0 8.5 / 32 (+5 -20 =7)
15: Lynx 1.5.1 4.0 / 32 (+2 -26 =4)
16: Inanis 1.3.0 3.0 / 32 (+3 -29 =0)
17: Bread Engine 0.0.5 1.5 / 32 (+1 -30 =1)
