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New chess engine: HypnoS 220624 (derived from Stockfish)


HypnoS is a free and strong UCI chess engine derived from Stockfish that analyzes chess positions and computes the optimal moves.

HypnoS does not include a graphical user interface (GUI) that is required to display a chessboard and to make it easy to input moves. These GUIs are developed independently from HypnoS and are available online.

HypnoS development is currently supported on the Openbench framework. OpenBench (created by Andrew Grant) is an open-source Sequential Probability Ratio Testing (SPRT) framework designed for self-play testing of engines. OpenBench makes use of distributed computing, allowing anyone to contribute CPU time to further the development of some of the world's most powerful engines.

HypnoS 220624 test:
STC 10.0+0.10
LLR: 2.95 (-2.94, 2.94) [0.00, 2.00]
Games: 121998 W: 32785 L: 32336 D: 56877
Pntml(0-2): 451, 14472, 30679, 14971, 426

LTC 60.0+0.60
LLR: 2.95 (-2.94, 2.94) [0.50, 2.50]
Games: 41886 W: 10828 L: 10493 D: 20565
Pntml(0-2): 30, 4587, 11381, 4908, 37

πŸ” Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR=3760

HypnoS 160524 - results:
Deep Blue 20240518-assassin7/14+014 Games
AbbyStein 2.87/12+212 Games
Raid 3.6 TR7/12+212 Games
Yuliirma 4.06.5/12+112 Games
ShashChess 35.36/12+012 Games
Tactical Titan6/12+012 Games
Crystal 86/12+012 Games
Marauders 3.45.5/12-112 Games
Yuli GM Pro 165/12-212 Games
Dragon 3.36/10+210 Games
Brainlearn 28.15/10+010 Games
Cool Iris 12.20 D-30725/10+010 Games
CorChess 202405234/8+08 Games
SF PB 1905244/8+08 Games
Sun 154/8+08 Games
JigSaw 5.5i4/8+08 Games
Stockfish 202405283.5/6+16 Games
Sun 143/6+06 Games
SF-PRO 13.05.20243/6+06 Games
Stockfish 202405213/6+06 Games
Steel Fighter3/6+06 Games

by Marco Zerbinati

HypnoS 220624 download
