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New version chess engine: Lynx 1.5.1 (Windows, MacOS, Linux)

Lynx it's written in C# (.NET 6). UCI protocol is needed.
Chess Engines Diary Rating CEDR=2889

Lynx release artifacts are self-contained and require no dependencies to be run.
However, you can also choose to build Lynx yourself.
NET 6 SDK. You can find instructions about how to install it in yo

πŸ› Threefold repetition bugfix: Revert "Detect threefold repetition on pvNode (#796)" (#818)
Lynx 1.4.0 - Individual statistics 
Jet 1.23.5/13-613 Games
Stockfish 16.10/12-1212 Games
Marauders 3.00/12-1212 Games
HypnoS 1903240.5/11-1011 Games
Big-SF 2103240/10-1010 Games
SF 16.1 MPV0/10-1010 Games
Reckless 0.6.00/10-1010 Games
Piglet 1.3.58/8+88 Games
Sloth 1.78/8+88 Games
Rice 8.0.00/8-88 Games
Rebel 16.30/8-88 Games
Berserk 202403110.5/7-67 Games
Dragon free0/6-66 Games
Critter 1.6a0/6-66 Games
Ippolit 0323240/6-66 Games
Shallow 53.5/4+34 Games
Vengeance 3.0.02/4+04 Games
Lux 4.21.5/4-14 Games
Devel Games
Journeyman 2.11/4-24 Games
Wize 1.01/4-24 Games

Lynx 1.5.1 download 
