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SF-PRO 26.06.2024 wins New Engines Test, by Chess Engines Diary 2024.06.29

The SF-PRO 26.06.2024 chess engine emerged victorious in a major tournament featuring new versions of chess engines. Currently, this engine is exclusively accessible to our testers.
Securing second place was the Marauders 3.6 engine, followed by the Brainlearn 28.1 engine in third place.
In the category of mid-range engines, the newly released PlentyChess 2.0.0 showed a strong performance.

All CEDR 356.831 games download (01.06.2024, 3'+3") 

πŸ’Ύ 756 (!) games from the tournament download
πŸ‘ @chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork  πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" 
πŸ’»HP Pavilion i5-1035G1 8GB RAM πŸ–¬ GUI-Banksia

Tech table:

Altair 7.0.3 JA285750690921.45.661.0343.6
Arasan 24.2.2341050028525.66.845.1307.4
Beast 15 MPV225737033430.16.147.3288.5
Brainlearn 28.1233241731727.85.650.4281.6
Bread Engine 0.0.630405007399.76.140.6246.7
Caissa 1.195844103237728.95.752.5297.4
Casanchess 0.8 JA153228693915.85.355.1294.2
Clarity 7.1.0138026822622.75.164.0329.0
Clover 6.25688103663526.15.561.6337.8
Critter 1.6a11214173258317.76.543.4280.6
Cyrano 0.6b17 JA527575106213.97.044.4311.9
Drosophila 1.6 JA244542571515.35.744.8257.3
Heimdall 0.1116919399212.86.043.4261.3
HypnoS 220624243239695428.76.148.9299.6
Magog 1.011911929046.46.237.2229.6
Marauders 3.6238739575728.16.052.2314.7
Mayhem 8.3397658794013.26.839.7268.4
Obsidian dev-12.29442476588227.35.856.0323.6
Odonata 0.9.0163828857618.35.749.9283.1
PlentyChess 2.0.0317561192627.15.258.5303.6
Princhess 0.17.07539122052413.96.249.3304.3
SF-PRO 26.06.2024288448427529.86.053.0315.8
Smaug 2.2.1 JA10190156235416.16.539.3256.6
Spaghet Pesto 1.06966112099719.76.251.3318.8
Starzix 5.0473782818226.15.755.1315.1
Steel Fighter 2239340962529.85.851.2299.1
Stockfish dev-20240623 Xoto10252141656130.86.149.6300.3
Stormphrax 5.0.0398370280425.65.758.5331.4
