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Steel Fighter 2 wins Arena Top Engines Test, by Chess Engines Diary 2024.06.24-29

Steel Fighter 2 emerged victorious in another test tournament featuring top chess engines. Marauders 3.6 and SF-PB 120624 secured the second and third places, respectively. Notably, Lc0 0.31.0 achieved a significant ranking improvement, gaining +16 points.

 All CEDR 356.831 games download (01.06.2024, 3'+3") 

πŸ’Ύ 364 games from the tournament download
πŸ‘ @chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork  πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" 
πŸ’»HP Pavilion i5-1035G1 8GB RAM πŸ–¬ GUI-Banksia

P Engine CEDR Score Chg +/-/=
1: Steel Fighter 2 3720 28.5 / 52 +36 (+5 -0 =47)
2: Marauders 3.6 3766 28.0 / 52 -10 (+4 -0 =48)
3: SF-PB 120624 3756 28.0 / 52 +0 (+4 -0 =48)
4: Stockfish 24062309 Shawn Xu 3766 27.5 / 52 -16 (+3 -0 =49)
5: Stockfish dev-20240530 3766 27.5 / 52 -16 (+3 -0 =49)
6: RapTora 3.0 3738 27.5 / 52 +5 (+3 -0 =49)
7: SF-PRO 14.06.2024 3759 27.5 / 52 -10 (+3 -0 =49)
8: HypnoS 220624 3760 27.0 / 52 -16 (+2 -0 =50)
9: Deep Ripper -1 3730 27.0 / 52 +10 (+2 -0 =50)
10: Stockfish 24062309 Xoto 10 3766 27.0 / 52 -21 (+2 -0 =50)
11: Obsidian12.29 3701 25.0 / 52 +16 (+1 -3 =48)
12: Lc0 0.31.0 3699 25.0 / 52 +16 (+2 -4 =46)
13: Caissa 1.19 3683 22.0 / 52 +0 (+1 -9 =42)
14: Dragon free 3619 16.5 / 52 -5 (+0 -19 =33)
