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Chess engine: Caissa 1.20

Another version of a very powerful chess engine has appeared, which wants to beat Stockfish. We are very happy about this - we will do the first tests of this version of the engine for you soon.

Caissa - UCI chess engine,  Author: Michaล‚ Witanowski
Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR=3681

Progression test
TC=40+0.4s, Book=UHO_Lichess_4852_v1.epd

Elo   | 22.15 +- 5.24 (95%)
Conf  | 40.0+0.40s Threads=1 Hash=64MB
Games | N: 7808 W: 2054 L: 1557 D: 4197
Penta | [7, 696, 2007, 1181, 13]
TC=10+0.1s, Book=UHO_Lichess_4852_v1.epd

Elo   | 18.95 +- 2.35 (95%)
Conf  | 10.0+0.10s Threads=1 Hash=16MB
Games | N: 40014 W: 10644 L: 8464 D: 20906
Penta | [98, 3904, 9948, 5834, 223]
TC=1+0s, Book=UHO_Lichess_4852_v1.epd

Elo   | 71.57 +- 4.99 (95%)
Conf  | 1.0+0.00s Threads=1 Hash=1MB
Games | N: 10240 W: 3832 L: 1752 D: 4656
Penta | [89, 731, 1889, 1833, 578]
Bigger neural net (11 king buckets instead of 5) trained on total 12.6B positions
Improved performance in ultra short time controls without increment

Caissa 1.19 - results:
Obsidian 12.293/6+06 Games
PlentyChess Games
HypnoS 2206242/4+04 Games
Marauders 3.62/4+04 Games
Clarity Games
Berserk 131.5/3+03 Games
Clover 6.21.5/3+03 Games
RapTora 3.01.5/3+03 Games
Deep Ripper -11.5/3+03 Games
Starzix 5.01.5/3+03 Games
Steel Fighter 21.5/3+03 Games
Alexandria Games
Patricia 2.0.12/2+22 Games
Odonata 0.9.02/2+22 Games
Heimdall 0.12/2+22 Games
Mayhem 8.32/2+22 Games
Drosophila 1.6 JA2/2+22 Games
Cyrano 0.6b17 JA2/2+22 Games
Stormphrax 4.1.02/2+22 Games
Altair 7.0.3 JA2/2+22 Games
