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CorChess 20240712 wins New Engines Tournament, by Chess Engines Diary 24.07.2024

A large test tournament of new versions of chess engines was won by CorChess 20240712.

In 2nd and 3rd place were the Kookaburra 3.00 and RapTora 3.0 engines. We tested as many as 30 engines, you can see what their playing strength looks like.

The Catto 0.5.2 and Prometheus 0.2 engines had problems with working in the Banksia GUI.

All CEDR games 381.115 download  

πŸ’Ύ 870 games from the tournament download
@chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork  πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" 
πŸ’»HP Pavilion i5-1035G1 8GB RAM πŸ–¬ GUI-Banksia

Tech table:
Altair 7.0.3 JA315052323722.16.051.3308.6
Annie 2ca4ccd 2024-07-08 GS15825957876.22.734.290.7
Arasan 24.2.2336447555525.37.138.6273.4
Arcanum 2.2435271293013.66.138.1232.9
Bagatur 5.1a2453745313.86.537.6245.3
Baryonyx 0.1.13451074747011.66.040.9247.1
Black Cat 2.3145124007718.76.042.6257.31
Bread Engine 1.0.0504184995111.55.945.0267.0
Caissa 1.196391112801729.05.746.9265.8
Catto 0.5.2000.
Ceibo 1.06365102544420.36.247.7296.31
CorChess 20240712296147850427.86.245.7283.0
Crab 3.12.012822226444015.05.740.6230.03
Dragonrose 0.2616662617259.46.438.4244.5
Drosophila 1.6 JA269346490215.05.839.4228.4
Ethereal 14.31 JA7678137097827.95.651.3287.2
HypnoS 140724256641195629.76.243.3269.81
JigSaw 5.9261042503328.76.143.3266.1
KnightX 4.1273245623116.36.040.7243.6
Kookaburra 3.00271647203331.65.847.9275.5
Lambergar 0.6.073112796218.85.751.9296.6
Lizard 10.5314654487224.65.851.2295.4
Motor 0.6.0102918007020.95.745.9262.3
Nibble 0.1 r131 GS106015624.
Obsidian 13.0596597239927.96.147.3290.0
Odonata 1.0.0175531435319.25.648.5270.7
Phalp 22032400 JA87460149842468.55.832.6190.0
PlentyChess 3.0.0 JA403769065329.55.845.6266.8
Prometheus 0.2000.
RapTora 3.0309658383633.55.347.6252.2
