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Yuliana 5.0 wins New Engines Tournament, by Chess Engines Diary 28.07.2024

 As many as 33 chess engines and over 1000 games were played in the next test tournament. The winner was the Yuliana 5.0 engine (currently available only to our testers). Places 2-3 were shared by the Stockfish dev-20240723 and Stockfish 16.1 engines. More tests soon, we are also preparing a new ranking list for August 1, 2024.

All CEDR games 381.115 download  

πŸ’Ύ 1056 (!!!) games from the tournament download
@chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork  πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" 
πŸ’»HP Pavilion i5-1035G1 8GB RAM πŸ–¬ GUI-Banksia

Tech table:
Engine KN/mov NPS dep/mov time/mov mov/game time/game fails
Aramis 1.3.0 1364 264585 14.6 5.2 41.2 212.2
Arcanum 2.2 4037 691778 13.7 5.8 44.8 261.4
Bagatur 5.1a 158 21966 13.0 7.2 31.7 228.5
Brainlearn 28.1 2283 404630 29.2 5.6 48.5 273.5
Bread Engine 1.0.0 4870 804914 11.1 6.1 43.4 262.6
Caissa 1.20 5503 1012612 29.8 5.4 52.0 282.6
Catto 0.10.0 3 556 3.3 5.1 22.1 112.6
CiorapBot 0.3 705 166952 19.3 4.2 45.7 193.0
Cool Iris 12.10 2511 405585 26.5 6.2 49.2 304.6
CorChess dev-20240724 2528 408847 29.8 6.2 47.0 290.5
Crab 3.12.0 11699 2052228 14.0 5.7 41.4 235.8 4
Deep SOLIDOR AI 2138 353584 20.5 6.0 51.8 313.3
Habu 1.0 JA 11 1764 7.1 6.0 40.2 241.3 1
Hedgehog 2.407 1571 308071 16.2 5.1 43.3 220.7
HypnoS 140724 2176 347522 29.0 6.3 44.5 278.6
HypnoS dev-20240727 2345 372668 25.5 6.3 47.6 299.4
HypnoS legacy 140724 2343 391115 25.7 6.0 52.7 315.6
Jet 1.2 3727 673509 19.2 5.5 52.0 287.6
JigSaw 5.9 2439 416917 31.9 5.8 49.4 289.0
KnightX 4.1 2665 456951 16.5 5.8 43.3 252.7
Lizard 10.5 2936 526340 24.6 5.6 56.0 312.4
Motor 0.6.0 1048 193284 21.8 5.4 56.3 305.0
Mufasa 0.1 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Nalwald 19 4166 689658 25.0 6.0 46.6 281.3
Nectar 0.0.2 91 16038 26.7 5.7 25.9 147.0
Obsidian 13.0 5293 878081 27.6 6.0 50.8 306.0
Odonata 1.0.0 1554 273854 18.4 5.7 46.8 265.4
Patricia 3 4505 783397 22.0 5.8 53.1 305.4
Sirius 7.0 4823 803882 27.2 6.0 48.2 289.2 17
Starzix 5.0 4445 779501 23.8 5.7 54.4 310.1
Stockfish 16.1 2560 448430 28.1 5.7 46.8 267.4
Stockfish dev-20240723 2394 387620 30.5 6.2 46.5 287.0
Yuliana 5.0 2177 380501 30.7 5.7 49.0 280.4
