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Chess engine: Pedantic 2.0.0


Pedantic - UCI engines Author: JoAnn D. Peeler
Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR=3125

This release replaces the HCE evaluation with a NNUE evaluation with architecture smol-net™ (768 -> 128) x 2 -> 1 and CReLu activation. I would like to thank @lithander for his inspiration for manual vectorization of both UE and activation. I also would like to thank @jw1912 for supplying and excellent training for networks. Without that I would still be working on this release. The net was trained with 400 million positions generated from Pedantic 1.1.0 self-ply and retrained using data from the initial net. While the HCE has been replaced for this release, I expect that a future release will reenable it so that the user can select between NNUE and HCE.

Playing strength improvements:
AMD Ryzen 9 7940 ♦ 256mb Hash Table ♦ 3-6 Man Syzygy ♦ Concurrency 12 ♦ book-ply8-unifen-Q-0.25-0.40.pgn

+161.0 +/- 9.3 Elo over Pedantic 1.1.0 in self-play at 20+0.2 time controls.
+142.5 +/- 14.5 Elo over Pedantic 1.1.0 in self-play at 2:00+1 time controls.
+124.6 +/- 24.1 Elo over Pedantic 1.1.0 in self-play at 12:00+8 time controls.

20+0.2 Self-Play Results
Score of Pedantic 2.0.0 vs Pedantic 1.1.0: 2643 - 695 - 1162 [0.716] 4500
... Pedantic 2.0.0 playing White: 1642 - 202 - 406 [0.820] 2250
... Pedantic 2.0.0 playing Black: 1001 - 493 - 756 [0.613] 2250
... White vs Black: 2135 - 1203 - 1162 [0.604] 4500
Elo difference: 161.0 +/- 9.3, LOS: 100.0 %, DrawRatio: 25.8 %
SPRT: llr 0 (0.0%), lbound -inf, ubound inf

120+1 Self-Play Results
Score of Pedantic 2.0.0 vs Pedantic 1.1.0: 772 - 189 - 539 [0.694] 1500
... Pedantic 2.0.0 playing White: 529 - 49 - 172 [0.820] 750
... Pedantic 2.0.0 playing Black: 243 - 140 - 367 [0.569] 750
... White vs Black: 669 - 292 - 539 [0.626] 1500
Elo difference: 142.5 +/- 14.5, LOS: 100.0 %, DrawRatio: 35.9 %
SPRT: llr 0 (0.0%), lbound -inf, ubound inf

12:00+8 Self-Play Results
Score of Pedantic 2.0.0 vs Pedantic 1.1.0: 237 - 65 - 198 [0.672] 500
... Pedantic 2.0.0 playing White: 179 - 8 - 63 [0.842] 250
... Pedantic 2.0.0 playing Black: 58 - 57 - 135 [0.502] 250
... White vs Black: 236 - 66 - 198 [0.670] 500
Elo difference: 124.6 +/- 24.1, LOS: 100.0 %, DrawRatio: 39.6 %
SPRT: llr 0 (0.0%), lbound -inf, ubound inf

Pedantic 1.0.0 - results:
Akira CE 1.0.154/4+44 Games
Floyd 0.9 JA4/4+44 Games
Mcu-max 1.0.54/4+44 Games
Camel 1.5.04/4+44 Games
Camel 1.5.14/4+44 Games
Slowpoke 0.1 JA4/4+44 Games
Arcanum 2.04/4+44 Games
Jet 1.23/4+24 Games
Ippolit 0323243/4+24 Games
Mida 2.3.13/4+24 Games
Mittens 0.93/4+24 Games
Critter 1.6a3/4+24 Games
Protej Games
Invictus r3822.5/4+14 Games
Little Goliath 3.172.5/4+14 Games
Pirarucu 3.3.5 JA2/4+04 Games
DanaSah 9.12/4+04 Games
Bitbit 1.21.5/4-14 Games
Svart 61.5/4-14 Games
Kuma 1.21.5/4-14 Games
Laser 1.71.5/4-14 Games

Pedantic 2.0.0 download


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