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HypnoS 030824 wins New Engines Tournament, by CEDR 12.08.2024

As many as 30 engines played in the test tournament of new versions of chess engines. In 1st place was the HypnoS 030824 engine. Places 2-3 with the same score were shared by the Brainlearn 28.1 and Yuliana 5.0 engines.

For comparison, we added the "old" Critter 1.6a engine to the tournament.

All CEDR games 405.780 download  

πŸ’Ύ 870 (!) games from the tournament download
@chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork  πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" 
πŸ’»HP Pavilion i5-1035G1 8GB RAM πŸ–¬ GUI-Banksia

Tech table:
Aramis 1.3.0139527000214.25.239.4203.4
Bagatur 5.1b1361662612.18.231.8259.62
Brainlearn 28.1208837080828.45.648.5273.1
Caissa 1.20508095625630.65.356.5300.1
Clarity 7.2.0198134886223.75.749.1278.7
Critter 1.6a10580159592017.96.644.0291.7
DeepBlunder 1.1.647997310597.86.631.1204.1
Devre 6.0000.
GoratschinChess 1.1 JA6019266311.66.545.2292.9
Hedgehog 2.407145528079115.85.242.3218.9
HypnoS 030824226336871023.56.150.6310.2
ice4 v5000.
Javelin 3.0.01942996612.96.533.7218.3
JigSaw 5.9217636540532.76.047.2281.2
Lizard 10.5262444533123.15.951.9305.8
Nalwald 19386765357525.25.950.3297.9
Nectar 0.0.81221522513.78.023.6189.2
Obsidian 13.0517587174527.95.953.4316.9
Odonata 1.0.0143526553919.45.454.1292.5
PlentyChess 3.0.0 JA301353875228.55.654.2303.4
SF-PRO 05.08.2024237338535629.26.250.6311.3
Steel Fighter III208735300826.75.947.0277.9
Stockfish 12407877192528.15.358.7310.1
Stockfish 13499588430029.75.650.0282.4
Stockfish 14.1375266877929.75.654.9308.0
Stockfish 16.1238342487130.05.652.4294.2
Uralochka 3.41a JA336257784123.75.854.3315.91
Vengeance 3.1.0 JA202537379717.55.452.6285.1
Wasp 7.00262447320819.35.554.3301.2
Yuliana 5.0228140217531.05.753.3302.5
