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HypnoS 120824 wins Fritz Strong Engines Test, by CEDR 2024.08.17 - 2024.08.22

The latest test tournament of the most powerful chess engines was won by HypnoS 120824. In 2nd place was the EMAN 9.90 engine. Place 3-4 for the Rems 150824 and Rems EXP 160824 engines.

All CEDR games 405.780 download  

@chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork  ๐Ÿ•“ Time 3'+3" 
๐Ÿ’ปDell G15 SE, i7-11800H RAM 16,0 GB ๐Ÿ–ฌ GUI-Fritz 17

P Engine Score +/-/=
1: HypnoS 120824 37.0 / 60 (+14 -0 =46)
2: EMAN 9.90 36.5 / 60 (+13 -0 =47)
3: Rems 150824 36.0 / 60 (+12 -0 =48)
4: Rems EXP 160824 36.0 / 60 (+12 -0 =48)
5: Rems EXP 150824 35.0 / 60 (+10 -0 =50)
6: Stockfish 16.1 34.0 / 60 (+8 -0 =52)
7: SF-PRO 14.08.2024 33.5 / 60 (+8 -1 =51)
8: Rems MPV 150824 32.5 / 60 (+6 -1 =53)
9: Lc0 0.31.1 32.5 / 60 (+8 -3 =49)
10: Rems EXT 160824 32.0 / 60 (+6 -2 =52)
11: Caissa 1.20 31.0 / 60 (+10 -8 =42)
12: Obsidian 13.0 30.0 / 60 (+8 -8 =44)
13: Motor 0.7.0 29.5 / 60 (+6 -7 =47)
14: Velvet v8.0.0 26.0 / 60 (+5 -13 =42)
15: Halogen 12.0.0 18.0 / 60 (+4 -28 =28)
16: Protej dev_20240811a 0.5 / 60 (+0 -59 =1)
