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HypnoS 120824 wins New Engines Test, by CEDR 15.08.2024

As many as 34 new chess engines back tested in another big tournament. The HypnoS 120824 engine won by far. The 2nd-6th places were taken by engines: Rems 150824, Rems MPV 150824, JigSaw 5.9, Steel Fighter III and Rems EXP 150824.

The Radiance 3.2 and Euwe 1.0 engines had problems working in the Banksia GUI.

All CEDR games 405.780 download  

πŸ’Ύ 1122 (!!!) games from the tournament download
@chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork  πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" 
πŸ’»HP Pavilion i5-1035G1 8GB RAM πŸ–¬ GUI-Banksia

Tech table:
Caissa 1.206279112579829.75.648.2269.0
Catto 0.12.024153.25.023.5118.7
Clover 7.1568996570332.05.950.3296.3
Critter 1.6a10869168945518.36.445.6293.1
Deep SOLIDOR AI237540212221.15.952.1307.9
DeepBlunder 1.1.754198166137.86.629.8197.4
Euwe 1.0000.
Hedgehog 2.407156931446416.25.047.3235.9
Heimdall 0.3314953687318.45.940.9240.1
HypnoS 120824223137461429.06.047.9285.4
JigSaw 5.9251042569331.55.948.1283.6
KnightX 4.1269445075416.06.038.1227.9
Lynx 1.6.0185129125618.66.446.0292.2
MIDA 2.3.15719575718.66.043.0256.32
MIDA 2.3.1 JA166327398320.96.141.6252.5
Motor 0.7.0111320453923.65.455.4301.7
Nalwald 19402169859025.35.853.4307.1
Nectar 0.1.21351932049.17.031.2217.7
Obsidian 13.0552594525429.05.854.6319.41
Pingu 4.0.0306058227816.95.341.5218.3
Protej dev_20240811a291245200727.06.444.1283.9
Radiance 3.2000.
Rems 150824219437909730.55.847.6275.3
Rems EXP 150824206134292428.46.047.6286.1
Rems MPV 150824204334111228.76.047.1282.0
SF-PRO 14.08.2024243739185330.66.247.1293.1
Simbelmyne 1.9.0307861482322.45.044.4222.5
Spaghet BologNNese 1.0272248775328.85.656.0312.6
Steel Fighter III233538416227.16.144.8272.3
Stockfish 16.1230939985527.85.846.5268.8
Stockfish 20240803 Ivec228538583333.45.949.1290.9
Uralochka 3.41a JA320354634723.35.952.3306.8
Viridithas 14.0.0270047667825.75.750.6286.5
Yuliana 5.0206135704532.25.846.6269.31
