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New chess engine: Snail Chess 1.0.0

Snail Chess - UCI chess engine
Author: Pedro Duran

 First public release πŸš€
For now windows only excecutable.
On next release i will add more platforms
Estimated elo: ~2350
Tested 2000 games vs stash-v17 (2302 elo) with time controls 6s+0.06s:
Score of SnailChess vs stash-v17: 1173 - 495 - 332 [0.669]
...      SnailChess playing White: 598 - 231 - 171  [0.683] 1000
...      SnailChess playing Black: 575 - 264 - 161  [0.655] 1000
...      White vs Black: 862 - 806 - 332  [0.514] 2000
Elo difference: 122.6 +/- 14.6, LOS: 100.0 %, DrawRatio: 16.6 %
2000 of 2000 games finished.
