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New version chess engine: Molybdenum 4.0


New chess engine: Molybdenum 3.0

This release features an Elo gain of around 35:

Elo   | 61.08 +- 16.03 (95%)
Conf  | 8.0+0.08s Threads=1 Hash=8MB
Games | N: 1000 W: 359 L: 185 D: 456
Penta | [5, 74, 198, 188, 35]

Elo   | 36.62 +- 15.11 (95%)
Conf  | 40.0+0.40s Threads=1 Hash=64MB
Games | N: 1000 W: 297 L: 192 D: 511
Penta | [2, 77, 252, 152, 17]
Elo gains:
Search Improvements:
Dont extend all moves when singular extending: #81
Better killer handling at root: #82
Research lmr fail highs: #85
Do deeper but worse: #89
NNUE improvements:

Train on an additional 100m fens: #80
Net trained on 0.5 wdl: #84
This release also features a few non functional speedups and the Introduction of Lazy SMP (#93), meaning Molybdenum can now be run with more than one thread.

The provided binaries use avx2, bmi2... (v3) / sse3, popcnt.. (v2) optimization respectively. The avx2bmi2 binary is faster so it should be preferred if your CPU supports these instructions sets. Note that even ryzens before zen 3 should be able to use the bmi2 binaries without slowdown, as they contain no pext / pdep instructions


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