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Rems 150824 and Deep Ripper -1 wins New Engines Test, by CEDR 18.08.2024

A small test tournament of new versions of chess engines. Places 1-2 were taken by the Rems 150824 and Deep Ripper -1 engines. Right behind them in places 3-4 were the Rems EXP 160824 and CorChess 20240804 engines.

An interesting fact is the participation of the Mephisto Gideon Professional (1993) engine.

All CEDR games 405.780 download  

@chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork  ๐Ÿ•“ Time 3'+3" 
๐Ÿ’ปAsus Zenbook, AMD Ryzen 9 6900HX, RAM 32,0 GB ๐Ÿ–ฌ GUI-Banksia

Tech table:
Caissa 1.2026323473801742.45.659.6330.9
CorChess 2024080412229222249944.45.564.4354.3
Deep Ripper -112048230590047.55.264.8338.6
Devre 6.0000.
Euwe 1.1.021348334893514.56.445.1287.7
HypnoS legacy 18082411828204058535.05.859.1342.4
Inanis 1.4.0760961487475121.65.162.7320.9
Lc0 0.31.1123240779.45.175.3384.5
Mephisto Gideon Professional7349135087810.05.452.4285.2
Pingu 4.0.0452995955423.64.757.3270.5
Quanticade 0.8 JA9808186796337.15.364.0335.9
Rems 15082411918216146346.65.559.0325.5
Rems EXP 16082411934213005945.55.660.0336.0
Rems EXT 16082413933239854450.15.856.2326.6
RubiChess 2024081723121435819230.25.366.2351.0
Velvet 8.0.020655417162031.65.073.2362.3
