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Rems EXP 150824 and Devre 6.0 wins Aquarium Swiss Tournament, by CEDR 2024.08.15 - 16

Since you like Swiss tournaments, today is another test. As usual, a chess number of games - that is, 64.
Two engines Rems EXP 150824 and Devre 6.0 scored 5.5 points each and took 1-2 place.
Of course, we are not overestimating this result because there were few games, but Devre's result is a huge surprise.

All CEDR games 405.780 download  

๐Ÿ’พ 64 games from the tournament download
@chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork  ๐Ÿ•“ Time 3'+3" 
๐Ÿ’ปAsus Zenbook, AMD Ryzen 9 6900HX, RAM 32,0 GB ๐Ÿ–ฌ GUI-Aquarium

P Engine CEDR Score 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Chg +/-/=
1: Rems EXP 150824 3750 5.5 / 8 2w+ 3b= 7w= 5b= 4w+ 6b= 11w+ 9b= +1 (+3 -0 =5)
2: Devre 6.0 3396 5.5 / 8 1b- 10b+ 3w= 15w+ 12b+ 8w= 4w= 14b+ +16 (+4 -1 =3)
3: HypnoS 120824 3781 5.0 / 8 5w+ 1w= 2b= 8b= 9w+ 4b= 6w= 7b= -5 (+2 -0 =6)
4: Rems MPV 150824 3750 5.0 / 8 13b+ 8w+ 6b= 7w+ 1b- 3w= 2b= 5w= -2 (+3 -1 =4)
5: SF-PRO 14.08.2024 3776 5.0 / 8 3b- 13w+ 11b+ 1w= 7b= 10w+ 8b= 4b= -9 (+3 -1 =4)
6: Rems 150824 3750 5.0 / 8 10w+ 12b+ 4w= 9b= 8w= 1w= 3b= 11b= -9 (+2 -0 =6)
7: Clover 7.1 3653 5.0 / 8 16b+ 11w+ 1b= 4b- 5w= 9w= 12b+ 3w= -1 (+3 -1 =4)
8: Motor 0.7.0 3580 5.0 / 8 9w+ 4b- 14w+ 3w= 6b= 2b= 5w= 15b+ +6 (+3 -1 =4)
9: Spaghet BologNNese 1.0 3485 4.5 / 8 8b- 15w+ 12b+ 6w= 3b- 7b= 16w+ 1w= +6 (+3 -2 =3)
10: Patricia 3.1 3231 4.5 / 8 6b- 2w- 16b+ 11w= 14b+ 5b- 15w+ 13w+ -4 (+4 -3 =1)
11: Protej 20240811a 3134 4.0 / 8 14w+ 7b- 5w- 10b= 13w+ 16b+ 1b- 6w= +6 (+3 -3 =2)
12: Pingu 4.0.0 2844 3.0 / 8 15b+ 6w- 9w- 14b+ 2w- 13b- 7w- 16b+ -10 (+3 -5 =0)
13: Euwe 1.0 2400 3.0 / 8 4w- 5b- 15b- 16w+ 11b- 12w+ 14b+ 10b- +13 (+3 -5 =0)
14: DeepBlunder 1.1.7 2400 2.0 / 8 11b- 16w+ 8b- 12w- 10w- 15b+ 13w- 2w- +2 (+2 -6 =0)
15: Radiance 3.2 2400 1.0 / 8 12w- 9b- 13w+ 2b- 16w- 14w- 10b- 8w- -7 (+1 -7 =0)
16: Nectar 0.0.5 2400 1.0 / 8 7w- 14b- 10w- 13b- 15b+ 11w- 9b- 12w- -7 (+1 -7 =0)
