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Stockfish 20240803 Ivec wins New Engines Tournament, by CEDR 08.08.2024

Stockfish 20240803 Ivec wins another test tournament of new versions of chess engines. It must be admitted that Ivan Ivec does a good job and his Stockfish builds are strong. In 2-3 place Stockfish 16.1 (official version) and HypnoS 030824.

All CEDR games 405.780 download  

πŸ’Ύ 812 (!) games from the tournament download
@chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork  πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" 
πŸ’»HP Pavilion i5-1035G1 8GB RAM πŸ–¬ GUI-Banksia

Tech table:
Caissa 1.20533396568328.45.553.3294.2
CorChess 20240804230537845328.66.147.7290.5
Critter 1.6a10473164897717.96.445.9291.5
DeepBlunder 1.0567285286313.16.630.3201.8
Halogen 12.0.06921124793120.35.557.3317.6
HypnoS 030824240137468323.96.445.5291.4
ice4 v5000.
Illumina 1.074711699520.96.422.4142.8
Inanis 1.4.021757413287218.55.351.0268.6
JigSaw 5.9245841837331.55.946.4272.6
KnightX 4.1258443021315.86.039.7238.6
Lizard 10.5265746555022.45.754.9313.2
Marauders 3.8190231945630.26.049.6295.3
Nalwald 19392770849225.75.561.1338.4
Nectar 0.0.51231770317.27.024.3169.5
Patricia 3.1454780091721.35.754.7310.5
Pawn 3.0465885532823.15.455.1300.3
Peacekeeper 3.01317456692421.45.659.4332.8
PlentyChess 3.0.0 JA324557980328.45.653.6300.1
Princhess 0.18.07111108409711.96.643.0281.9
Radiance 3.1.1122249307.74.928.9141.8
RubiChess 20240112471286801624.85.461.3332.9
Saturn 1.3292552692820.55.655.6308.51
SF-PRO 05.08.2024235338296128.96.149.4303.6
Simbelmyne 1.9.0317764123622.65.046.1228.2
Sirius 7.0514085443126.76.050.7304.818
Stockfish 16.1225541139029.15.549.6271.9
Stockfish 20240803 Ivec238241547531.15.754.4311.9
Yuliana 5.0242843808333.15.550.6280.5
