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Stockfish 2024082019 NNUE for Windows and Linux, interesting compilation by Taras Vuk (progress +3,81)

Stockfish 2024082019 - UCI chess engine, compiled by Taras Vuk
Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR=3785
Stockfish 2024082019 Taras Vuk (all versions) download

Date: Tue Aug 20 21:37:25 2024 +0200
Timestamp: 1724182645

Tweak late move extensions
Allow late move extensions only for PV and cut nodes.

Passed STC:
LLR: 2.95 (-2.94,2.94) <0.00,2.00>
Total: 44512 W: 11688 L: 11355 D: 21469 Elo +2.60
Ptnml(0-2): 167, 5180, 11229, 5513, 167

Passed LTC:
LLR: 2.94 (-2.94,2.94) <0.50,2.50>
Total: 152970 W: 39026 L: 38466 D: 75478 Elo +1.27
Ptnml(0-2): 102, 16792, 42164, 17298, 129

bench: 1484730

Stockfish progress:

πŸ“Š The chart shows the ranking progress that the Stockfish engine has made from the official version 15.1 from December 2022 to the leader of the CEDR ranking list on August 1, 2024.

For convenience, because the point differences are small, we have added the difference between 3700 and the ranking held by the engine to the chart.

Stockfish 15.1 - the official version, released in December 2022, had a CEDR rating of 3737.4. The next official version, Stockfish 16.1, has a rating of 2761.7. So the increase in the strength of the game was not great, it was only 24 points. Moreover, as you can see in the graph and the table below, until June 2024 the progress in the ranking was small, and even a regression was visible.

EngineRating CEDR
Stockfish 15.13737.4
Stockfish 202212213742.2
Stockfish 202301143743.6
Stockfish 202303083744.3
Stockfish 202307293744.6
Stockfish 202311203745.9
Stockfish 202312303750.7
Stockfish 202401083760.7
Stockfish 202402143755.5
Stockfish 16.13761.7
Stockfish 20240330 Ivec3752.6
Stockfish 202404213764.9
Stockfish 202406153762.5
Stockfish 20240711 Ivec3785.4

The Stockfish 20240711 Ivec engine has made surprisingly high progress. 24 rating points more than the official Stockfish 16.1 build.


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