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YuliGM STRONG 180824 and Rems 150824 wins New Engines Test, by CEDR 21.08.2023

YuliGM STRONG 180824 and Rems 150824 took the first two places in another test tournament of new versions of chess engines. In 3rd place is the latest build Stockfish 20240820.

All CEDR games 405.780 download  

@chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork  ๐Ÿ•“ Time 3'+3" 
๐Ÿ’ปAsus Zenbook, AMD Ryzen 9 6900HX, RAM 32,0 GB ๐Ÿ–ฌ GUI-Banksia

Tech table:
DeepBlunder 1.2.054318363158.36.532.0207.9
Euwe 1.2.118724298404213.76.344.6279.7
HypnoS legacy 18082413204236620336.95.660.5337.61
Lc0 0.31.1123226719.55.460.9329.2
Pedantic 2.0.0455193392028.74.962.9306.6
Pioneer 0.3.2000.
Protej 0.6.70267014.
Rems 15082412211232905047.25.259.0309.2
RubiChess 2024081723848453139329.25.356.8299.1
Steel Fighter III12156220742343.25.552.7290.2
Stockfish 2024082012504231975053.15.459.1318.7
YuliGM Strong 18082412248322292649.23.855.0209.0

Result table:
1YuliGM STRONG 180824663135048.5
2Rems 150824663135048.5
3Stockfish 20240820662937047.5
4Steel Fighter III662838047.0
5HypnoS legacy 180824662837146.5
6RubiChess 20240817662736345.0
7Lc0 0.31.1662833544.5
8Pedantic 2.0.06624162632.0
9Euwe 1.2.1661724718.0
10DeepBlunder 1.2.0661205412.0
11Protej 0.6.76661596.5
12Pioneer 0.3.26600660.0
