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Chess engine: Oxidation 0.7.2


Oxidation - UCI chess engine, Author-Mathmagician8191
Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR=2076

Removed option to configure qsearch depth
+35 Elo STC in standard chess
+40 Elo STC on average in variants

Oxidation 0.7.0 - results:
Fatalii Games
Alouette 0.1.76/6+66 Games
Akira CE 1.1.15/6+46 Games
Sloth 1.85/6+46 Games
Cadabra 2.0.14/5+35 Games
Stellar Games
Omelette 1.02/5-15 Games
Piglet 1.3.64/4+44 Games
Aurora Games
Mayhem 8.21.5/4-14 Games
Eubos 3.51.5/4-14 Games
Tcheran 2.30.5/4-34 Games
Delocto 0.70/4-44 Games
Arcanum 2.10/4-44 Games
Rodent NN JA0/4-44 Games
Belette 3.0.00/4-44 Games
Simbelmyne 1.7.00/4-44 Games
GitChess 1.03/3+33 Games
Rust Chess Engine Games
Peripheral 1.1.32/3+13 Games
Floyd 0.9 JA1/3-13 Games

Oxidation 0.7.2 download
