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Chess engine: StoneChess 2024-09-13


StoneChess - UCI chess engine
Author: Thibor Raven Rating Chess Engines Diary CEDR=2349

StoneChess 2023-06-23 - results:

Albatros 1.0.04/12-412 Games
Popochin 4.31.5/9-69 Games
Halcyon 12.5/7-27 Games
Anka Games
Fornax 4.00.5/6-56 Games
Wahoo 1.0.05/5+55 Games
FrankyGo 1.0.34/5+35 Games
Kobol 1.03/5+15 Games
Zangdar 2.17.090/5-55 Games
Viridithas 10.0.00/5-55 Games
Superultra 1.00/5-55 Games
4ku 3.10/5-55 Games
Freda 0.994/4+44 Games
Jinx 1.03/4+24 Games
Adachess 4.03/4+24 Games
Kheprichess Games
Horowitz 2.22.5/4+14 Games
Mayhem 8.21.5/4-14 Games
Axon 0.31.5/4-14 Games
Camel Games
Dragonrose 0.251.5/4-14 Games

StoneChess 2024-09-13 download


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