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Fritz Top Engines Test, by CEDR 2024.09.14-18

As promised, we are increasingly testing the most powerful chess engines and another test tournament is ahead of you.

The Stockfish 20240820 Ivec engine won, the Rems Sep24 engines came second and the Stockfish 17 engine came third. All three engines scored the same number of points and the order was decided by Bucholtz's auxiliary score.

Visit us often, more tests coming soon.


All CEDR games 429.636 download  

@chessenginesdiary Country - Poland, City - Malbork  ๐Ÿ•“ Time 3'+3" 
๐Ÿ’ปDell G15 SE, i7-11800H RAM 16,0 GB ๐Ÿ–ฌ GUI-Fritz 17

P Engine Score (Tie) +/-/=
1: Stockfish 20240820 Ivec 23.0 / 40 432.00 (+6 -0 =34)
2: Rems Sep24 23.0 / 40 431.75 (+6 -0 =34)
3: Stockfish 17 23.0 / 40 431.50 (+6 -0 =34)
4: Fidelio 17 22.5 / 40 423.50 (+5 -0 =35)
5: Fidelio 17 MPV 22.5 / 40 423.25 (+5 -0 =35)
6: Marauders 3.8 22.0 / 40 416.25 (+4 -0 =36)
7: Rems 150824 22.0 / 40 415.75 (+4 -0 =36)
8: Artemis TR 22.0 / 40 414.75 (+4 -0 =36)
9: Stockfish 17 SE 22.0 / 40 414.50 (+4 -0 =36)
10: SF PB 100924 21.5 / 40 407.25 (+3 -0 =37)
11: CorChess 20240823 21.5 / 40 406.25 (+3 -0 =37)
12: Fisherov chess monk 21.5 / 40 406.25 (+3 -0 =37)
13: SF-PRO 12.09.2024 21.0 / 40 399.00 (+2 -0 =38)
14: Deep SOLIDOR AI 21.0 / 40 399.00 (+2 -0 =38)
15: HypnoS 220824 21.0 / 40 399.00 (+2 -0 =38)
16: Rems MPV Sep24 21.0 / 40 397.25 (+3 -1 =36)
17: Vafra 14.12.2 Stockfish 18.5 / 40 345.50 (+2 -5 =33)
18: Caissa 1.20 18.0 / 40 327.75 (+4 -8 =28)
19: Vafra 12.6 Cfish 17.5 / 40 326.50 (+2 -7 =31)
20: Viridithas 14.0.1 15.5 / 40 284.00 (+2 -11 =27)
21: Roc 2024Aug24 0.0 / 40 0.00 (+0 -40 =0)
