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New chess engine: iBlunder 2024-09-08 (Windows and MacOs)


iBlunder - A strong dotnet UCI Chess engine 
author: Tim Jones (GBR)

iBlunder is still in active development so will so expect certain features to be missing or experimental. Also the current release is using a NNUE net trained from self play starting with random weights and is only 6 iterations deep, expect the engine to be much stronger in the coming days as the training does takes a while.

- iBlunder makes use of hardware intrinsics to improve performance. Currently your CPU must support: `Avx2`, `Bmi1`, `Bmi2`, `Popcnt`, `Sse`. Most modern hardware shipped after 2013 should be supported.
- The releases come with a bundled version of the dotnet runtime, however if you want to run from source you'll need the dotnet 8 SDK installed.


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